AWOS7 is a world-leading modern Automated Weather Observation Systems, with an outstanding concept for flexibility, integration, and distribution of weather information.

The freedom of choice
The AWOS7 system is web-based in order to increase the possibility and flexibility to integrate a lot of different systems and sensors. This system solution offers you superior flexibility and freedom of choice, both in long and short terms.
One licence, unlimited clients
You only need one software licence and an unlimited number of web clients can be used without further costs. This means, for example, a higher profitability for the airport when expanding your operations, and a more profitable solution for distributing weather information to third parties.
Reliable and future-proof
The system is on the forefront of AWOS systems on the market in terms of meeting the requirements of the European Parliament and Council regulation on the interoperability of the European Air Traffic Management network. Essential requisites are safety and principles governing the logical architecture and construction of systems. AWOS7 fulfils these requirements, giving a reliable, flexible and future-proof system.
The combination of a web-based system and the possibility of integrating several functions such as ATIS, D-ATIS, ATC-display, also affects the environment positively. Due to the integration possibilities in AWOS7 a reduced quantity of hardware is needed, when compared to traditional systems, which in turn reduces the energy consumption and provides increased availability. AWOS7 also simplifies the installation and commissioning and offers significantly lower maintenance and life cycle costs
AWOS7 Training
Do you need to update your AWOS skills? Read more about AWOS7 Training and register your interest at:
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